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2020/2021 “云录制”活动

  2020/2021 “云录制”活动 (一) 日期Date: 5/12/2021 三千桃花灼灼开放,却抵不过世事无常。 跃诛仙台落入凡尘,却斩不断因果羁绊。 最终化作一句“吾生愿,牵尘”.... 疫情期间马大华乐团的“云录制”活动上线啦!这次的曲目为《凉凉》。虽然唱不出杨宗纬和张碧晨的绝美声线,但乐器版多了一份古朴和雅致。 诚邀各位戴上耳机欣赏。第一次尝试诸多不便,还请各位海涵。 在此也特别感谢扬琴组陈信泽同学为我们剪接此视频。 Blooms of three thousands blossoms that never last, life is always in a state of flux. Falls into despair filled with ashes and dust, untold feelings still everlast. “Let me hold you, until eternal past...” During the pandemic of covid-19, UMCO is thrilled to release a virtual performance entitled “Bracing the Chill”, a soundtrack by Aska Yang and Zhang Bichen from the drama ’Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms‘. Grab your earphones and experience the original song through the sound of Chinese traditional instruments.This is our first attempt, please go easy on us ! A huge thanks to our dulcimer section member Tan Xin Ze for editing this video and making it all possible. “入夜渐微凉,繁华落地成霜。” 完整影片链接 (Video Link):

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