April Fool's Rhapsody 《娱人狂想曲 》

PRESENTED BY : MMU Chinese Orchestra
DATE : 1st April 2010 (Thursday)
TIME : 7.30 - 10.30
VENUE : MMU (cyberjaya campus) FCM e-theatre
Entrance : RM5 ( MMU Chinese Language Society Member)
: RM8 (Non-Chinese Language Society Member)
1. 鐵血丹心+小李飛刀+上海灘--香港電視劇
2. RASA SAYANG EH!--馬來西亞民謠
3. 蘋果豐年--蘋果豐收季節
4. 龍的傳人
5. 二胡solo---浪漫曲
6. 我的朋友-伊朗民歌
7. 剪羊毛-澳大利亞民歌
8. 芦柴花与花蝴蝶---中國江蘇民歌
9. Waltzing Matilda---澳洲民謠
10. 小叮噹---日本卡通片主題曲
1. TVB Oldies - Theme from Legend of the Condor Heroes I + Theme from Legend of Dagger Li + Theme from Shanghai Bund
2. RASA SAYANG EH!--Famous Malaysia Traditional Song
3. Joyful Harvesting -- The joyfulness of apple farmer when harvesting their apple.
4. Heirs of the Dragon -- Famous Chinese Song
5. Romantic Songs -- By Erhu and Piano Accompany
6. My Friend -- Iranian Traditional Song
7. Click Go The Shear-- Australian Traditional Song
8. Flowers and Butterflies ---China Jiangsu Province Traditional Song
9. Waltzing Matilda---Famous Song of Australia, a.k.a Australia Informal Nation Anthem
10. Theme from Doraemon --Japanese Famous Cartoon
Tickets are limited to 190 seats only
For more information please contact:
Johnson Pua 012-6735750
Phoon Kok Jin 0124842135
Facebook event link